David Schellenberg

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Since 2009 Dr. David Schellenberg has been Director of the ACT Consortium (www.actconsortium.org), answering key questions on malaria drug delivery. He is deputy director of the Malaria Capacity Development Consortium, which works to strengthen capacity for health research in Africa (www.mcdconsortium.org). His first degrees are in clinical science and medicine from the University of London, followed by a DTM&H from Liverpool, MRCP in London and PhD from the University of Barcelona, Spain. He was based at the Ifakara Health Institute, Tanzania, between 1995-2001 then again 2004-2007, working on various descriptive and intervention studies relating to child health, especially malaria. He joined the School in 2003 to help build the IPTi Consortium, before returning to Tanzania in 2004 to work on a large-scale evaluation of the effectiveness of IPTi. I've been based in London since the end of 2007.

Chapters Authored

Child and Adolescent Health and Development