Eastern Mediterranean Region (WHO-EMRO)
Support the use of DCP evidence to inform priority setting by national and regional decision makers in the WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region.

To advance DCP3’s aim of informing and influencing policies for improved resource allocation, DCP and EMRO is convening a series of regional forums with high-level policymakers for a dialogue about DCP3 findings and policy needs. Read More
DCP - EMRO Host First Policy Forum with Key Stakeholders on Mental Health
DCP - EMRO Convene Policymakers for Dialogue on Cardiovascular Disease
DCP - EMRO Hosts Third Policy Dialogue to Discuss Road Traffic Injury & Trauma Care
Following a capacity building workshop in December 2014 during which more than 25 regional researchers were introduced to the principles of health economic evaluation, DCP3 embarked on several activities to continue building capacity in the Eastern Mediterranean Region and increase the number of collaborations established with participants, among participants, and with international institutions and organizations around the topic of health economic evaluation.
DCP seeks to work with local researchers and decision makers to produce and assemble evidence for choosing disease control priorities. This is carried out through multi-year collaborations with interested countries. The collaboration provides national decision makers with technical assistance and evidence on health policy topics selected by the country, and aims to support country efforts for health priority-setting. WHO-EMRO and DCP are currently in the process of identifying a country partner for this collaboration.